The qualifications for renting a home from our company are listed below:
- Household income must be at least 3 times the rent. Benefits received may count towards income.
- No outstanding debt to MLGW.
- If you are in a current Chapter 13, we must have a letter signed by the judge giving you permission to incur additional rent, and specifically stating that rent can’t be added to the bankruptcy.
- No evictions in the past 3 years.
What we need if you apply:
- Completed application and fee ($45) for each person, 18 or over, who will be living in the home. Please use money orders or cashier’s checks. We can’t accept checks or cash.
- Latest two pay stubs or statements.
- Current statement of benefits, if you receive SSI, SSD, or food stamps.
- RTA if you are a MHA housing participant.
- Copy of valid photo ID.
If you have any questions, please contact the office at 901-221-1221 or 901-221-1222.
We look forward to hearing from you!